We would like to thank our loyal sponsors, partners and patrons!

"History is the memory of the human race. Just as a person with amnesia would have no sense of who they are as a human being, the person who knows nothing of the past is cut off from their identity and has no idea why things are as they are. When we learn history, we PARTICIPATE in that memory , and we see ourselves as part of the story of the humans, the biggest story of them all."

-J. A. Miller

Manhattan Irish Fest

​March 1st & 2nd, 2024

​Manhattan, Illinois  U.S.A.

Copyright 1995 - 2024.   Manhattan Irish Fest

Website designed and maintained by Red Deer Designs

Shamrocks & Morrigans Battle Against Invading Hordes at Manhattan Central Park

Irish Mass at St. Joseph's

Church on Saturday at 9am

​Tea & Irish Soda Bread to follow

Click on Picture for Live Map

Take a chance and win a trip to Ireland!  Pick up your tickets at Manhattan Fire Station #81

Make sure you are in town by 10:15 to secure your viewing spot for the Manhattan Irish Fest Parade


Shuttle Bus


Admission to any part of the Fest only requires a button.

​Find out where to get them below!

Venue Map

Tent closes at 11:00pm on Friday

​Tent closes at 10:00pm on Saturday


Become the next Queen or King of Manhattan Irish Fest​​


A plethora of items are available to help decorate your home for St. Patrick's Day or any day

At St. Joseph's School.
Hours of fun  with games & prizes, dancing & more

5K Map



Join us Friday Night and all day Saturday for the best in Irish Musical Entertainment!


​​5K RUN


Click on picture for link


Shop for the Official            Irish Fest merchandise            at the south end of the tent

5K Run starts the Parade
Get after it early with the 5K Run starting immediately before the parade